Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pro Life Choice

For the ladies:
The decision is yours; make an informed one.

For men:
If you don’t have internal genitals, this hasn't got much to do with you. All you can do is help your partner make an informed choice and support her. Women have choices, men have responsibilities. By chance of birth we were assigned either: responsibility or childbirth… we got off pretty light. Deal with it.
Don’t want babies? Wear a condom. It’s not rocket science.

For the unborn child:
You don’t have any rights until you can vote as far as I’m concerned.


Anonymous said...

whats new in your comment .from the the beginning of time women have always had a choice but were not aware of it.

A. McKaul said...

Hey Anonymous,

Thanks for your comment.

No there's nothing especially new in the statement to which you refer. In fact it's a line from a Steve Martin film. Originality is pretty much dead... but that's another story.

Not sure I agree with:

"from the the beginning of time women have always had a choice but were not aware of it"

Western Society has been predominantly masculinist for quite sometime and women today have more choices than ever before; thanks to an increased awareness and changing societal norms. A good thing too!

This post is part of a larger rant about the US that I'm planning, but first I wanted to state my position on some of the issues "shaking" the American mind-set - abortion, gay marriage, voluntary euthanasia etc. etc. that I could link back to later.

Stay tuned for the rest.

Thanks again, nameless one.